Press Releases

Peabody Energy's Paul Griswold Named "Reclamationist of the Year" by the American Society of Mining and Reclamation

St. Louis, June 10 – Peabody Energy’s Paul Griswold has been named “Reclamationist of the Year” by the American Society of Mining and Reclamation (ASMR) for his outstanding accomplishments in the evaluation and application of technology used in land restoration.

Griswold, a Senior Environmental Technician at Peabody’s flagship North Antelope Rochelle Mine in the Powder River Basin, has developed a number of programs that combine applied reclamation science with sound ecological principles to achieve best practice. 

Chief among these are protocols to establish sagebrush on restored lands using specific site preparation, timing and seeding techniques.  The practices optimize sagebrush establishment, which creates critical habitat for sage grouse and other wildlife. Griswold also implemented a program to reduce erosion and improve air quality near active mining areas that was so effective, the procedure is now adopted as best practice by the Wyoming Department of Environmental Quality. The agency continues to encourage use of the technology in its regional mine permitting requirements.

“Peabody has a world-class environmental team that is recognized for environmental excellence and sustainable practices that return land to its highest use,” said Peabody Energy – Americas President Kemal Williamson. “We are proud of Paul’s leadership in establishing innovative practices that are respected among peers, regulators and throughout the industry.”

Since joining Peabody in 2007, Griswold has helped direct high-quality restoration of more than 4,500 acres at North Antelope Rochelle, the world’s largest and most productive mine, where restored lands are typically twice as productive as native range.  During Griswold’s tenure, North Antelope Rochelle was honored by both the U.S. Department of the Interior and the state for protection of raptor species.  

“Paul has incorporated many innovative practices into his reclamation protocols at the North Antelope Rochelle Mine,” said Gerald Schuman, ASMR Awards Committee Chair.  “He has consistently demonstrated sound ecological principals and a practical understanding of the science and technology and is frequently sought out as a guest lecturer by the University of Wyoming.”

The ASMR established the Reclamationist of the Year Award in 1984 for individuals who demonstrate outstanding accomplishments in the practical application or evaluation of reclamation technology.  

Peabody Energy is the world’s largest private-sector coal company and a global leader in sustainable mining and clean coal solutions. The company serves metallurgical and thermal coal customers in more than 25 countries on six continents. For further information, go to and

Charlene Murdock

SOURCE Peabody Energy