Press Releases

Peabody Issued the Following Statement Today Regarding the Thoroughbred Energy Campus Planned Near Central City, Kentucky

The Thoroughbred Energy Campus has reached a milestone with the Cabinet Secretary's decision affirming the air permit. We are pleased that after nearly three-and-a-half years of consideration, the ruling confirms that the Department of Air Quality conducted an extensive and appropriate review of the project's air permit and that Thoroughbred's advanced technologies would achieve state and federal regulations to protect the environment.

The Secretary's conditions call for the project to comply with federal mercury regulations that were implemented after the project was permitted and the plant to comply with a nitrogen oxide emissions limit of 0.07 pounds per million Btu, which the company believes the project can attain.

Peabody looks forward to continuing to advance development of the Thoroughbred Energy Campus.

   Beth Sutton
   (505) 287-2636

SOURCE: Peabody Energy

CONTACT: Beth Sutton of Peabody Energy, +1-505-287-2636