Press Releases

Peabody Honored as “Best ESG – Responsible Mining Company – Global” by Capital Finance International for Second Consecutive Year

ST. LOUIS, Dec. 4 – London-Based Capital Finance International has honored Peabody as the most responsible global mining company for 2017, marking the second consecutive year the company has been recognized for excellence in environmental, social and governance (ESG) standards and performance. The international award identifies individuals and companies that demonstrate excellence in various areas of sustainability. The judges’ commended Peabody’s performance noting, “…coal mining in particular benefits from strict adherence to ESG standards. Peabody recognizes its corporate responsibilities better than most – and acts upon them.”

Peabody is a leading voice in advocating for sustainable mining, energy access and clean coal technologies – what the company refers to as “Coal Done Right.” The core components are embedded in Peabody’s culture and outlined in its Investment Principles for Best-in-Class Coal Companies, which can be found within the company’s Corporate and Social Responsibility Report.

Peabody (NYSE: BTU) is the world’s largest private-sector coal company, serving metallurgical and thermal coal customers in more than 25 countries on five continents.  The company has earned over 100 awards for safety, corporate and environmental excellence over the past five years.  For further information, visit